Monday, June 20, 2016

Keepin' it Real

Welcome to my blog.  Where you can find humor, realness, truth and a lil bit of sass.

I've been wanting to blog for awhile. I have read some really "cool" blogs and have thought to myself...I'm "cool" I can do that too. Time will tell.

The title pretty much sums up what this blog is about. Keepin' it Real. There are so many moms out there that sugar coat everything. They lead these "perfect" lives on FB, IG and on blogs. Girl, we know your life ain't perfect, it's a hot mess just like all the other moms out there. I'll talk about living with menopause, thyroid disease and weight loss (or lack thereof), it's about to get real.

Let me just dive right in and talk about the dreaded word....menopause.'s like a curse word in the women language. I have other adjectives to describe this word, but I'll keep it clean on my first blog.
I dove straight into menopause last summer after my 3rd and final surgery to complete my hysterectomy.  I knew about the hot flashes.  I knew I'd sweat....ALOT.  I knew it'd come on at the most inconvenient times.  I knew that our power bill would be astronomical because we'd have to have the air set on 67* nightly.  I didn't know that I would sweat out of EVERY orifice of my body...literally. I didn't know that I would constantly be telling people...sorry, I'm flashing right now.  I didn't know that I would have to change clothes because I would soak through them. INSANE. WHY do us women have to go through having monthly (horrible) cycles for years, have our bodies torn apart from giving childbirth (multiple times) then on top of all that....SWEAT like a sow in the summer?! Seems fair, NOT. Thanks Eve.(lol)
 Hot flashes are of the devil. Literally, you feel like you're in HELL. Like you're in an oven and you can't get're stuck in there for THREE whole minutes. Yup, that's about how long a "flash" lasts. It ain't pretty. Forget about wearing makeup because you're constantly wiping sweat off your face, forget about doing your hair, because you'll be pulling it on top of your head trying anything to get cool. There's no real remedy for it. Yah, people will tell you to take pills and don't work. At all. Nothing helps. Except carrying a little fan around with your and pulling it out in the middle of teaching, in the grocery store and even at church.

Hot flashes will make you want to punch something or someone in the face.  Literally.  Realness.

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