Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Who's showing up today.....

I swear if ONE MORE PERSON ASKS ME...WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??? I'm going to lose my ever loving mind!!! I get this question at least 15x a day.  Every time someone asks me this it makes me think, maybe I should have something wrong, so then I could give them a reason to stop asking me this question over and over and over and over again.  See, the thing is, when your in menopause or just because you're a girl really, you have NO IDEA who is going to show up that day. You can be dancing in the car one second then the next you're screaming at the car in front of you because the aren't going the speed limit then go right back into your dancing routine without really missing a beat. My kids I think get scared. They aren't quite sure what or who they're going to get that day.  They walk around on eggs shells so as to not push me over the edge.  I was hoping to not be going through menopause until they were out of the house...but alas they get to "enjoy" all the fun times with me.

I seriously need the people around me to go with the flow of my many mood changes. I think most menopausal woman would agree with me, that you almost become bipolar. I know there is nothing funny about those who are legitimately bipolar. But, when you're in the "change of life", so many different people show up. And you NEVER know at any moment who is about to "pop" out. You think I want to be like this? Hell to the no. Do you think I want to fly off the handle because I dropped an ice cube on the floor. Literally, I dropped an ice cube, and screamed at the ice cube.  Really. Who does that?! I'll tell you, a woman in menopause!

Trust me, if I knew what was actually going on inside of my head I'd love to tell you, but I DO NOT know what the heck is going on inside my head.  So PLEASE for the safety of everyone, STOP asking me what's wrong. We would love to hide our emotions from the world. But, when we do, y'all ask a million times a day, "what's wrong with you!"  Thank goodness the family doesn't see some of the meltdowns. For example, I dropped a full cap of detergent on the laundry room floor a few weeks ago, you would've thought I had just had the machine fall on me.  I started screaming and crying at the cap laying in the pool of detergent, YOU STUPID THING, GRRRR I HATE DOING FREAKIN' LAUNDRY, STUPID CAP, NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN THIS CRAP UP, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST STAY ON THE MACHINE?!?!  Really Heather, is the cap going to answer you...because if it does, then you should definitely be checked into a facility. All that energy I used up over spilled detergent. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER WOMAN!!!!

My poor hubs. I should just leave it at that, but he gets the brunt of my many mood swings. I think I have 4 different "friends" that show up at our house. Happy, Sad, Mad, Indifferent. Sadly, the Happy "friend" doesn't come by for a visit very often. I think it's scared..haha  It's not because I'm not happy, bc I love our life..But the friend that shows up the most and usually comes uninvited is my "friend" indifferent. This "friend" isn't very social, we don't talk much it's more of Blah, don't want to talk to anyone, don't want to see anyone..just blah.  Some days, I can get through the day and not have any "friends" show up or have outburst and scare or scar the kids. Other days, all 4 "friends" show up. Sometimes all at the same time. That's awkward.  It's kinda weird when they all show up, bc it's hard to explain to the kids why I just was singing in the car with them, then yelling at them bc they are singing too loud or even off key, then getting sad bc I just yelled at them (sometimes to the point of tears), then becoming indifferent and I stop singing and having fun altogether. It's a rollercoaster that I wish I didn't have to be on, and one that my kids and hubs didn't have to be on either. But, it's part of the "change of life"...we are ALL hopefully going to survive this ride. If not, blame it on my "friends".

If I could punch these 4 "friends" in the throat, I would..but that would be me... punching myself in the throat and that would definitely get me a luxury suite at the looney bin.
To my MG's (menopausal girls) you feel me?!

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